A young man spends 190 000 euros to look like Kim Karda¬shian, Crazy Right?
A british Fan of Kim Kardashian is so desperate to become the identical twin of the star. He is reported to have spent about 190,000 Euros, and the result, look at the picture and tell me what you think, isn’t it scary.
It was whilst watching the episode of Kardashian family show that Jordan James Dunn fell in love with the “star”. This young me of 23 years old, literally lost his mind and fell in “love”, and decided to push his limits and try to resemble her as closely as possible. “I love everything about Kim, he told the Sun. She is the woman who is extraordinary. Her skin, her hair, everything about her is perfect. »
Hoping to be like his icon, Jordan suffered fifty interventions: he made injections of botulinum toxin and has swollen cheeks and lips (too much!). He also decided to have a permanent tattoo at the eyebrows and multiplied the laser sessions to no longer have a single hair on the head.
he also tries to use the same photo poses as his idol and has also posted a picture on Instagram