More Habits To Imbibe If You Want to Be A Millionaire [4]

In spite of the economic recession in Nigeria and in most parts of Africa, millionaires are made everyday. While millions of people wonder what special feat got them to that position, the few who attain it keep the wealth creation events to themselves, and only share to those who seek their mentorship.
To become something that you’re not, you must change your attitude. And change must happen in every way possible. The difference between millionaires and the remaining populace is the change in their daily habits which subsequently lead to wealth creation. If your habits remain the same, you’d never gain financial freedom. You must show pure discipline for the new wealth creation habits to kick in and remain in you.
Here are a few more habits you would need to imbibe if you want to be set on that part to becoming a millionaire:
J. Think Big.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Shoot for the moon – even if you miss you’ll land among the stars”? It’s true. Set stretch goals and SMART goals.
K. Think long term.
You aren’t allowed to make decisions simply because they bring you immediate comfort or a facade of wealth. Think in term of returns. How will this affect my finances on the long run? Will this decision align with my goal for the future?
L. Relaxing.
Only powerful people know how to rest. After all, that’s when they get most of their power. Some people get so tensed up over time that they burn out. When you get too fatigued or stressed, you lose concentration, then control. A person who doesn’t learn how to relax ends up wasting the precious time they could have saved.
You need to zone out every once in a while. We all naturally zone-out. Find a healthy discipline that sedates you.