More Things to Consider Before Accepting A Job

After sending out carefully-crafted cover letters and resumes and acing multiple rounds of job interviews, the payoff is here: a job offer. Time to celebrate? Not so fast.
When considering a new job, it is important to make sure the grass will truly be greener on the other side. Two important phone calls will likely occur before the deal is sealed: The first, in which you’ll be offered the job, and the second, when you either accept or decline the offer.
There aren’t so many things one should consider before accepting a job offer, you might say, since nowadays it’s really hard to even get a job in the first place.
However, here are some really important things to seriously consider before accepting that job offer.
A. Training
Consider whether your company will pay for your exams, your books and any other additional costs or expenses associated with vocational training. You should check the details of your job offer regarding exam resits. It is also worth investigating what happens if you fail an exam more than once. Many employers will fire trainees who fail multiple exams, and may even ask them to pay back their training costs if this happens, so it is important to know where you stand.
Before accepting an offer you should also check whether you are tied to the company for a certain period of time after you are qualified or not.
B. Other benefits
Do your research and find out what other benefits you will receive besides your salary!
There are a lot of companies that organize team building in order to motivate their employees and some will even offer movie, theatre or concert tickets.
C. Challenge
Our brains need stimulation and challenge for happiness and development, and you need to make sure that your prospective new position is going to offer you the kinds of challenges that will make you want to succeed and better yourself. It may not always feel like it, but challenge and a decent dose of hard work is actually extremely good for you.