Signs That It is Time To Quit Your Job [2]

We’ve all struggled with our motivation on our jobs from time to time.
But sometimes, you’re beyond irritation and beyond a burnout. Sometimes, you’ve reached the point of no return, and it would be best to leave your job and find something new.
Many think a job that makes us feel awful would be easy to leave, but for many of us it’s not the case. Either we feel it’s impossible to find something better, or we worry that if we leave, we’ll end up in a worse position than we’re in now. It’s time to start doing what it takes to get a grip on your well-being.
Here are some signs you should leave your job:
4. You never smile at work anymore.
Think about the last time something happened at work that made you smile. Coming up short? That’s a problem. Work isn’t all fun, all day, but you should at least enjoy your co-workers and have satisfaction in your work.
5. You realize there is no room to grow.
Sometimes we like the environment we work in, but there’s no where else for us to go. Maybe taking your boss’s role is the logical next step, but you know that won’t be happening any time soon. Or maybe your company doesn’t have enough people for you to really move “up.” Either way, once you’ve recognized that you can either stay in the same job forever or leave, it makes your decision pretty clear.
6. You constantly procrastinate
Remember when you used to put off your homework until “later,” because you really just didn’t want to do it? Well, work can sometimes turn into a grown up version of homework. You should feel excited and energized about doing your work, not constantly looking for ways to distract yourself and avoid it.