Habits To Imbibe For More Effective Studies [2]

A lot of brilliant students nowadays fail as a result of ineffective studies. There is a common saying that he who fails to plan plans to fail. This is very true especially in the academic field. A lot of students at different levels get average passes or outrightly fail some courses, simply because many find it hard to study in the way that they would love to. If you are one of these kind of students, that is about to end.
Being something has to start with a habit, which becomes a character before it gets to affect your life either negatively or positively. Hence, if you are not getting the results you crave for in the aspect of studying, it is time to change some habits and imbibe new ones.
Here are a few habits which would help you study more effectively.
5. Consider yourself in a win-win situation:
Never look down on yourself or resort to thinking that something can’t be done. When you contribute your best to a class, you, your fellow students, and even your teacher will benefit. Your grade can then be one additional check on your performance
6. First understand others, then attempt to be understood
Understanding is an extremely important factor if you are going to be an effective student at any level. When you have an issue with an instructor (a questionable grade, an assignment deadline, etc.) put yourself in the instructor’s place.
Now ask yourself how you can best make your argument given his/her situation
7. Look for better solutions to problems:
Do not get discouraged when things don’t turn out the way you expect, or you do not understand something the way you thought. Try out new things which would proffer better solutions. For example, if you don’t understand the course material, don’t just re-read it.
Try something else! Consult with the professor, a tutor, an academic advisor, a classmate, a study group, or your school’s study skills center
8. Look to continually challenge yourself:
There is always room for improvement no matter what level. When you feel you are doing better, do not relax or resort to your former lifestyle. Continually practice these habits and keep growing,