10 Small Things People Use to Read Your Personality

The human brain is hard-wired to judge. This survival mechanism makes it very hard to meet with someone without evaluating and interpreting their behavior.
Our unconscious behaviors have a language of their own. These behaviors have likely become an integral part of who you are and if you do not spend much time thinking about them, now is a good time to start, because they culd be sabotaging your career.
Ask yourself these questions and genuinely answer them. And then, if you do not like some of the answers you get from yourself, it’s time to make some changes.
1. A Talker or A Listener?
Your talk time as compared to your listen time is one way of detecting who you are. Someone who is confident and expresses his views is ideal, but it is important that the person only do a little more than half the talking. Because talking more than that either indicates that he or she is very self – important, or extraordinarily nervous.
2. A Giver or A Taker?
It is fairly easy to tell if the energy a person breathes is negative or positive. There are many little pointers to this character trait, and this influences people’s relationship with you, either in a personal or business capacity.
3. How Do You Handle Projects?
The way you handle projects, especially new projects is a pointer to who you are. There are two types of people; those who dislike change and are critical and defensive when asked to do a new job or task, and those who leap right in, cheerfully tacking new tasks.
4. Are You Authentic?
People can decipher the type of person you are by your level of authenticity. Fake praise and flattery are indicative of someone sucking up because they do not really have much to offer. People who actually do have the skills do not need to suck up.
5. Who Are Your Friends?
As the saying goes; “Birds of the same feather flock together”, the best way to find out about a person is by the company they keep. It is also always possible to request personal references of job candidates, which are often friends or co workers who offer insight by talking to them.
To be continued….