
Fally Ipupa to author Africa unite anthem of the AU

Addis Ababa- dicaprio, dicap la merveille, El marabiocho, The Champion of love, 3× hustler, El Rey Mago, better known to as Faustin “Fally” Ipupa Nsimba or just Fally Ipupa, will release an African union themed song, according to the artist “ this will be my best work ever”.


The recent months has seen African countries united against Boko Haram,FLDR, Al-shabab. This has prompted African leaders to decide on the need to have a common song for a common identity. The Congolese artist Fally Ipupa has been chosen for that purpose.

Fally Ipupa has promised that his song will not disappoint, when asked if he will include his trade mark dance of rolling of waist, he answered in the affirmative, saying, “African culture is to dance, I believe that if we dance together we fight less and many nations have known development because of their dancing’. It was evident that the author of Original and amour assassin was the best choice for this project. Listening to him, he sounds like a great philosopher.

There were major issues raised during the debate of African leaders in their meeting in Addis Ababa. Two of them caught our attention.

  1. Who will be the lead dancer in the music video: the two finalists in this category were Nkosozana Zuma the south African and Helen Sirleaf the Liberian. They both shacked what their mama gave them and the decision was taken to keep them both.
  2. Who will own the royalty rights: Thabo Mbeki, as a former president and Obasanjo had a heated debate as they argued about whose idea it was to change the name from OUA to AU, this debate is still on going.
  3. Who’s name should be mentioned by Fally in the song: we all know that Fally’s style is to sing people’s name. Mugabe is so in love with Fally Ipupa that he promised to give him anything even half his kingdom if he can say his name.

Some leaders were upset, namely Kabila, Museveni, Kagame and Omar al-Bashir. Who spoke about taking their grievance to the international criminal court but were reminded that it was actually the four of them who are to be afraid of that court.

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