
How To Improve Concentration In Studies [2]

Concentration: the ability to direct one’s thinking in whatever direction one would intend.

We all have the ability to concentrate — sometimes. Think of the times when you were engrossed in a super novel. While playing your guitar or piano. In an especially good game of cards. At a spellbinder of a movie. Total concentration.

But at other times your thoughts are scattered, and your mind races from one thing to another. It’s for those times that you need to learn and practice concentration strategies.


Here are a few tips to help you improve on your concentration while studies.

4. Find an appropriate study environment.

Generally, it is a good idea to eliminate distractions as much as possible while studying, so you can concentrate on what’s in front of you. You want to find a place that is aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for you.

Find a quiet area, such as a private room or a library. If you like fresh air, go outside to an area that is reasonably free of distractions, and somewhere you can still connect to internet, if necessary.

Keep in mind that everyone has their own studying environment preferences. While some prefer to study in quiet, others thrive in a bustling environment that mimics white noise.

If you don’t know your studying preferences, experiment in different areas, studying in a group or studying solo, studying with or without music, etc. Your ability to concentrate and be productive in different environments will reveal itself rather quickly.

5. Make it a point to put your full concentration on whatever you are doing.

Don’t let anything distract you. It really helps to be in a quiet place, but you can learn to block out noise if necessary.

6. Stay calm.

Deep concentration is a matter of increasing or directing your life-force or conscious, cosmic energy. The more of this kind of energy you have, the better. Scattered energy doesn’t help. It must be calm, focused energy. Learn to be calmly concentrated and be concentratedly calm.

To be continued.

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