10 Tips For Natural Nail Care

You don’t have to visit the salon on a regular basis in order to have beautiful nails. The combination of a well-balanced diet, a thoughtful beauty regimen, and good personal hygiene can give you salon-worthy nails at a fraction of the cost and chemical burden.
Here are tips for caring for your nails and getting naturally beautiful nails.
1. Use moisturizers Regularly
When rubbing lotion or oil into your hands, make sure you work it into the cuticles and nails, too. Regular handwashing or use of hand sanitizer can dry out the skin and nail bed quickly, so try to moisturize after every wash, if possible. Coconut oil is excellent for rubbing into your nails and cuticles.
2. Buff instead of color
It may not be as fancy or eye-catching as color, but a bit of buffing can go a long ways. Take the time to trim, file, and buff your nails properly and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how great they can look, despite being natural. Never saw back and forth with a file because that can weaken your nails. Always file from the outside edge of the nail inward.
3. DON’T bite your nails or use them as tools.
Both of these activities will, obviously, weaken or break nails. If you get a deep nail tear, mend it temporarily with a clear adhesive tape until it has a chance to grow out.
4. Care for your cuticles
Avoid having your cuticles trimmed during a manicure. Cuticles are meant to be a barrier for bacteria, and cutting them can lead to painful infections. You can moisten and push them back with a cuticle pusher, and trim away only dead pieces of skin.
If you’re planning on having a conventional manicure done, then at least protect your cuticles by dabbing with olive oil or almond oil prior, in order to reduce the amount of chemical that soaks in from the polish.
5. DON’T expose nails to household cleansers or harsh chemicals.
Even prolonged exposure to fresh water can dry out nails and hands. Wear gloves when cleaning, and apply hand lotion after every time you wash or wet your hands.
to be continued…