Demi Lovato ‘Met Him Last Night’ ft. Ariana Grande Most Added US Pop Radio

Demi Lovato’s critically acclaimed new album Dancing With The Devil…The Art of Starting Over is out now. “Met Him Last Night” Most Added at US Pop Radio This Week!
Consider the project’s most anticipated track, a duet with Ariana Grande called “Met Him Last Night.” The “him” in question is the devil, who is here depicted as a predator who attempts to take advantage of women by cracking jokes and buying drinks. Musically it’s a high-drama affair befitting two divas who love to wail, its string arrangements undergirded by throbbing synths and walloping programmed drums. “I don’t believe in you,” they sing, “’cause I know just how you do.” (Insert Stereogum)
Arianators and Lovatics got super-excited about a possible “Dariana” collaboration between Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato after Ari posted some vocals on her Instagram Story early March with the caption “backgrounds on a song for a friend.” (Billboard)
Demi Lovato spoke about her bond with Ariana Grande in an April 2020 interview with Harper’s Bazaar.