Fully Funded MBA Scholarships in Business School, Netherlands

Organization: Business School Netherlands
Required Experience: Bachelor’s Degree/HND
Applications for MBA scholarships are now open with Business School Netherlands (BSN), fully-funded through the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP).
Applicants living and working in one of the 51 NFP countries are invited to apply with Business School Netherlands (BSN) by 22 July 2016 to facilitate timeous application for funding with EP-Nuffic by the 2 August 2016 deadline.
Approximately 1000 courses (Masters and Short Courses) are offered each year through the NFP scholarship whereby 20,000 applications are received. 7,000 nominations are processed and then assessed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch embassies, rounding up a final 2,000 candidates who are selected from the various Dutch institutions, BSN being one of the chosen institutes. In doing so, skilled managers and senior professional in the 51 NFP countries are enabled to drive change and improvement in their countries.
MBA Scholarship
The funding for this MBA Scholarship, better known as the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP), is made available through Nuffic the Governmental body responsible for the promotion of the Dutch Higher Education system worldwide.
NFP is a full (100%) MBA Scholarship programme designed to foster institutional development within certain parts of the world. Applicants to certain academic and short courses of Dutch higher education institutions apply for the fellowship to cover the cost of tuition fees, accommodation and international travel for study.
The eligible countries
Currently International MBA candidates from within the following countries are eligible to apply for funding through the Dutch Embassy or Consulate within their country.
Who can apply?
Mid-career professionals in employment
Only the individual applicant can apply for funding
The training must occur within the context of the organisation with which the applicant works
The training must be seen to help the organisation in its development strategies
Employer support is essential
Click here to apply: http://bit.ly/1RX7qLu