How To Improve Concentration In Studies [3]

Concentration: the ability to direct one’s thinking in whatever direction one would intend.
We all have the ability to concentrate — sometimes. Think of the times when you were engrossed in a super novel. While playing your guitar or piano. In an especially good game of cards. At a spellbinder of a movie. Total concentration.
But at other times your thoughts are scattered, and your mind races from one thing to another. It’s for those times that you need to learn and practice concentration strategies.
Here are a few tips to help you improve on your concentration while studies.
7. Watch other people concentrating.
Go see a good action movie. In the middle of it, look around at the people in the theater. What are they doing? They are absolutely still, eyes barely blinking, and their breath is slower. It would take a really major distraction to break their attention stream. These physical signs may give you a hint about ways to increase your own concentration abilities.
8. Unplug from unnecessary electronics.
Turn off any electronics that you don’t need, especially cell phones, music listening devices, and perhaps computers (provided you don’t need a computer to study your material).
Your laptop or computer could serve as a huge source of distraction when you’re trying to concentrate.
9. Stick to a routine.
Arrange a schedule for study time, and keep with it. This allows you to build studying time into a habit, making you more likely to follow through on study plans. Be aware of your energy levels throughout the day. Are you more energetic (and therefore more able to concentrate) during the day or nighttime?[2] It may help to study your harder subjects when you have the most energy.
Once you know the time of day that you’re more energetic, you can make sure you study during those times, increasing your ability to focus and concentrate on your work.