Tammy Rivera’s Insta Pic Of Fufu and Egusi Stirs War Between Nigerians and Black Americans

Atlanta reality TV star, Tammy Rivera has caused a war between Nigerians and Black Americans on instagram after posting a photo of herself eating fufu and egusi soup with her long nails.
Tammy who does not have Nigerian blood, has a Nigerian step-father (her mum is married to a Nigerian man), and she had revealed previously that her mum cooks Nigerian meals and she gets to eat it once in a while.
In display of her love for Nigerian meals, Tammy posted a photo of the Fufu and Egusi soup she was eating. Many of her American friends who are not familiar with the food called the mixture ‘disgusting vomit’. This aggravated the Nigerians who did not take the nasty comments lightly. The Nigerians flooded instagram with comments in response to the nasty comments which the Americans posted and this resulted in a head to head with the Black Americans on social media.
Fufu is basically dough made from boiling starchy food crops like cassava, yams, plantains and cocoyams and then pounding them into a dough-like consistency. Egusi soup, otherwise known as melon soup derives it’s name from the Igbo and Yoruba language meaning melon. Egusi soup is a kind of soup thickened with the ground melon seeds. It is popular in West Africa with considerable local variation. It can be prepared with a variety of greens and vegetables.
In Nigeria, Egusi is very popular among the Igbo people of Southeastern Nigeria, the Ibibio people and the Efik people (Calabar people) of southern Nigeria, the Hausa of nprthern Nigeria, and the Yoruba people, Edo people, Esan people and Etsako people of the Southwest of Nigeria. Yoruba people in general, and quite notably the people of Osun State – especially the Ijesha people, eat Egusi soup with Fufu.