
20 things people hate about South Africa

On my first visit to this country, I was impressed with the beautiful buildings and cars. I thought to myself, “what a beautiful country!”  The mountains, the birds in the sky, the big 5, the beaches are just magnificent but then reality struck. I discovered that this country wasn’t what I thought it was and here below are 20 reasons why I hate South Africa.

south africa

  1. The police

The South African police scare me. I was once stopped at a traffic light; the police officer spoke to me as if I was a bank robber.

  1. The violence

This society is violent; this is evident in the language used by the leaders.  “we will kill of JZ” etc.. It is still to find peaceful ways of communicating issues which they are passionate about.

  1. Xenophobia

The foreigner is the most vulnerable member of the South African society, especially those who are from African countries.  It is easier to be burned alive as a foreigner in South African than to be stung by a bee

  1. Corruption

Nothing gets done without paying extra.  If you have money you will get whatever you want.

  1. Shacks

The president builds the biggest shack for himself worth about $ 20 Million whereas the rest of the majority of the population struggles in poverty.

  1. The politics

South African politics is dominated by ANC,DA and EFF.  Who can trust all those people who speak one thing but live another? Sometimes when SA politicians speak, it is so difficult to understand because of the language they use in a semi-literate society.

  1. Racism

The separation of races seems to be a divine rule.  Interracial couples are frowned up. A friend of mine with an African wife was nearly assaulted for walking with her.  Racists are like mosquitos, the only way to deal with them is a fat clap. It reminds me of one person who told me “the rainbow doesn’t have the colour black”

  1. Mistreatment of asylum seekers

It is hard for asylum seekers. Even with good qualifications, they can’t access the job market as the DHA doesn’t issue working visa or permit.  Asylum seekers beg to survive in this country.

  1. House music

Can anybody explain to me what the logic in this music is? Shouldn’t we just blow (pun intended) that house up? J

  1. Taxies

The rulers of SA are actually taxi drivers, yes! They make the rules and we all abide.

  1. No service delivery

Non-existents, the majority of the people don’t get access to the basic necessity. The main reason of course “we inherited it from apartheid”

  1. unguided Youth

They can’t speak correctly any language; they can’t write or spell correctly. But they can hurl insults correctly.

  1. Lifestyles of the Rich and The Famous

A former Soccer star, a journalist, A Singer, Soapie star and Julius Malema walk into a room, the next day, a headline reads “The biggest celebrity of the Even of the year”.

  1. Arrogance

South Africans have the mis-guided conception that every African is a lesser being.

  1. Ignorance nature

A Kenyan student walks up to his lecture and the lecturer asks “where are you from?” the student says “Kenya”, lecturer “yes, I know Kenya, next to Iraq”

  1. Boer music

Music is defined in its simplest form as sound which pleasing to the listeners’ ears. This isn’t

  1. Marikana

What a tragedy, the fundamental question that I wrestle with is why has no big boss been held accountable, no body resigned. Final conclusions, those lives don’t matter

  1. Promiscuity

It is easier to get laid in South Africa than most African country; it is also easier to catch the sneeze (HIV/AIDS)

  1. The not so secret service

It is easier for people to keep secrets from government than from government to keep secrets from its citizens, I wonder if they will be able to protect the population.

  1. Joblessness

The country has promised so much job creation to its people, I just never realized that they pick jobs out of hat for each person.

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