From time to time, most of us wish we could stop the clock on the aging process, but scientists still haven’t found the key to keeping us forever young.
As we get older, the body’s machinery begins to function a little less smoothly and we become susceptible to age-related and degenerative diseases. But there are certain foods that can help counteract the negative effects aging has on the body. They won’t make you younger or stop you from getting older, but they can improve your overall health and vitality, and protect you against disease and illness, which could prolong your life and make the years you do have more healthful.
While exercise and a healthy diet can keep you fit well into old age, some foods are especially good at preventing or reducing the effects of age-related diseases and other health problems. Here we’ll look at 10 foods that pack a huge anti-aging punch.
- Fish Rich in Omega-3
Your skin, eyes, brain and heart will all benefit from this essential fatty acid. Found in salmon, sardines and tuna, try to eat at least one serving a week. - Peppers
Vitamin C is vital for the formation of collagen, which gives skin elasticity. Citrus is the common source but a fresh pepper has over 250 percent of the daily recommendation. - Tea
Providing both fluid and cell-protecting antioxidants, brewed cups of green and black varieties have more antioxidants than many fruits and veggies. - Berries
Berries contain some of the most potent sources of antioxidants around. Anthocyanins in particular help fight inflammation and protect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. - Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Healthy fats for your heart, plus plant compounds that protect the cells from damage and some types of cancer. Full-flavored EVOO contains the most antioxidants