Tips On How To Get Rid of Laugh Lines [2]

Wrinkles around mouth, laugh lines, smile lines, or nasolabial folds are an unfortunate part of the aging process. Deep wrinkles around the mouth are also caused by other factors like smiling, laughing, or frowning, and so on.
These nasolabial folds indicate that the skin has started losing it’s elasticity and natural collagen, the lack of which leads to wrinkles. Wrinkles around the mouth can make a person look old. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce these lines or nasolabial folds.
Cosmetic procedures like laser treatment will reduce deep laugh lines around mouth and cheeks rapidly. Anti-aging creams also help reduce nasolabial folds and smile lines effectively. There are also a few home remedies which effectively get rid of laugh lines naturally and fast, some of which are as follows:
- Lemon Juice:
The application of lemon juice is very effective in the removal of nasolabial folds. Cut a lemon in two and dab it to the laugh lines around your mouth. You could also apply lemon juice. The acid in the juice will help to tighten your skin around the mouth. The high concentration of Vitamin-C will also help neutralize free radicals.
- Coconut Oil:
One simple remedy for reducing smile and laugh lines and nasolabial folds, is to apply coconut oil to the affected area daily before going to bed. Coconut oil is a natural oxidant and moisturizer. It will also ward off the free radicals that cause future smile lines.
- Aloe Vera:
Apply aloe vera gel to the deep lines around your mouth to treat smile wrinkles naturally. Aloe vera naturally nourishes and repairs skin, reducing the appearance of smile lines and wrinkles around mouth. The Vitamin C and E present in the Aloe vera gel will improve your skin’s natural firmness. You can also apply it to your eyes to reduce wrinkles as well.